

[The Harsh Reality of Studying Abroad in 6 Countries 📖]

Welcome to the harsh realities of studying abroad in 6 countries. I'm going into my final year at Minerva University next year studying Cognitive Science and so far, I've studied abroad in San Francisco, Berlin, Seoul and London (although I'm from there hehe). Next year, I'm moving to Buenos Aires and Taipei! 💌 as i say, it's been the most incredible, life-changing experience and I'm so so so grateful this is my life.

But... it has its challenges. Here are a few of them 💐

00:00 Intro: where do I study?
1:06 Culture Shock
1:53 Only having 4 months = FOMO
3:29 Scratching the Surface
3:55 Visas!
4:36 Stress and Balancing Uni
6:22 Love Life :')
8:21 Losing Friends Back Home
9:50 How My Concept of Home has Changed
11:14 pls go travel !!

I go to an untraditional university called Minerva! It has a built-in study abroad programme in 7 cities with the same students in your cohort. It's the most INCRED opportunity, but as I say, also very stressful. If you're interested, know what you're getting yourself in for ;) they do have amazing scholarship programmes and are open for all nationalities: https://www.minerva.edu/

thank you so so much for watching! it feels so crazy to be nearly at the end of my degree aaaaaaaah!!

📚 Buy my book: http://unbouncepages.com/the-only-stu...
💐 All my favourite products: https://kit.co/unjadedjade
🦋 Follow me on Instagram (I post a lot more here!): unjadedjade

Business Enquiries: unjadedjade@sixteenth.co
Instagram - @unjadedjade
TikTok: @unjadedjade

🌞 MORE 🌞
Casual Magic of the Day: so so so simple, but opening the curtains to the sun. how glorious. how day-changing. gosh i love the sun.
Song of the Day: Strange by Celeste
Currently Reading: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
What are YOU grateful for today?

How old are you? ~ 22
Where are you from? ~ The UK! Near London.
Where do you go to university? ~ Minerva Schools at KGI
One of the best decisions you ever made? ~ Taking a gap year!

CURRENT FAVOURITES — things I love recently (these are all affiliate links):
Laptop stand: https://tinyurl.com/y7fvdglm
My beloved ukulele: https://amzn.to/3niJzht
My vegan Doc Marten boots: https://amzn.to/2Uf7ySb
Pip and Nut Almond Butter: https://amzn.to/3eSEOaG
Lifechanging productivity app Notion (free!): https://www.notion.so
Two of my fave hair products: https://amzn.to/32ZlLX6 and https://amzn.to/32ZlLX6
I also love the Chrome extension Momentum!: https://tinyurl.com/ped7kbq

if no one has told you today, you are enough. 💛

[한 끗 리빙] 실크 스카프, 집에서 빨아도 돼요

Music fulls me back to reminise in those homes that I miss that I have all around the world.


Package for you; please sign for it.
Nín de bāoguǒ, qǐng qiānshōu.

This world is just an insane asylum.
The world is a den of crazies.
shìjiè jiùshì yī ge fēngzi de qiú lóng.

Tāmen zhèngzài guàn chàngpiàn.
They're recording a new album.

Tāmen zài chāixìn.
They're opening letters.

Nà bú shì yī gè héshì de huàtí.
That is not an appropriate topic.

bié wàng le yī dào Lúndūn jiù gěi wǒmen liúyán ā.
Be sure to drop us a line as soon as you get to London.

He runs really fast.
Tā pǎo de zhēn kuài.

My Chinese pronunciation isn't good.
Wǒ de Zhōngwén fāyīn bù hǎo.

Zhōu Jùn cóngshì jiàoshī gōngzuò. (jiàoshī for occupation)
Zhou Jun has devoted herself to working as a teacher.

tā yīzhí hěn dānxīn tā de nǚér.
He continuously worries about his daughter.


wow this guy just gets me <- 존중의 밑바탕과 경험의 축적으로 포용심과 구조적 이해도가 커지지 않을까

하지만 직업 줄로 쓴 후에 눈앞에서 손보일 수는 없지. 즉, 아무런 의미가 없다. muslim관점에서는 전혀 Allah를 섬기는 일이 아니다.

그래서 사실 공교육이 대단한 거야. 각 분야 전문 범위의 교육을 받은 분들이 상담과 함께 봐주시고 문제도 내주시고 (에세이나 서술형인 경우 '직접 첨삭과 채점-배점 따지기'를 해주시니까) / 블로그나 유튜브에서 말하는 사람들은 정도의 바늘구멍에 들어가지 못했기 때문에 하나의 수단으로 side hustle을 운영하는 거기도 하고. 그러니 욕할 수밖에 없지. 잘하지 못했기에 자꾸 더해지는 성장의 성취감을 못 느꼈을 테니./ 처음 와닿은 건, Izzy가 HSK 과정 찬찬히 밟으며 화상통화 가능한 실력을 쌓아나가는 걸 소개해 주시면서.

와, 정말 의미 있다. 가장 단순한 원칙들에 기대어 단단히 살아가는 일이 제일 어려우면서 숭고하나, 조명받진 않고 그렇다고 의미없는 것이 아닌 일이라고 봐. 지하철 운전사들 같은 분들도. 환경미화원 분도.



악성앱 스미싱(피싱) 주의 안내

최근 모바일 청첩장, 택배 조회, 건강검진 결과조회 등 악성앱 링크가 포함된 메시지를 보내 피해자가 링크를 클릭하면 개인정보를 탈취, 피해자 명의 신규폰을 개통하여, 예금을 탈취하고 대출을 실행하는 사기수법이 확산되고 있어, 국민들이 꼭 알아야 할 4가지를 다음과 같이 알려드립니다.