

- Well, there are hardly any taxi drivers around, GIVEN THE DAY THAT'S IN IT is Christmas.
- This refers to anything that is not a useful way to spend your time. Doing something that is pointless or useless.
- Jenny definitely deserves an A FOR EFFORT , she put so much work into her entry for the competition.

- I thought I knew her so well, but it was only until I asked her for the money she owed me that I SAW HER TRUE COLOURS .
- He hasn't stopped TRUMPETING his promotion ever since he got it last month! It's very annoying.
- - -
Měiguó zài hánguó yǒu méi yǒu zhùjūn?
Does America have troops in South Korea?

- That man stole a bottle of wine from the shop. - Oh, really? I COULDN'T CARE LESS .
- I got to the office in GOOD TIME , but got lost inside the building trying to find my interview room, and ended up being late anyway!
- The got rid of a lot of the BLUE COLLAR workers during the recession. I would say they definitely suffered the most.
- I don't know when we'll finish, ask Jack, he's the TOP BANANA here.


나머지 필요한 보험 하나는 3대 질병 진단비 보험입니다. 3대 질병 즉, 암, 심장질환, 뇌혈관질환이 대한민국 10대 사망 원인 중 1,2,4위에 해당합니다. 가장 많이 걸리기도 하고 매우 위중한 질병이다 보니 이런 질병에 걸리면 결국 휴직이나 퇴직해야 하는 경우가 많아요.

즉, 소득이 단절됩니다. 그래서 별도의 생활비 목적으로 진단비 보험에 가입해 생활비, 간병비, 요양비 등을 별도로 준비하는 거예요. 병원 치료비는 국민건강보험과 실비보험으로 대부분 처리가 되고요.

어린 자녀와 같이 부양가족이 있는 경우에 추가로 가입할 정기 보험도 집중할 것 중 하나입니다. 정기 보험은 경제적 가장의 조기 사망을 대비하는 보험이에요. 어

일반 성인이면 보험 2개만 가입하는 것이죠. 실비 보험과 3대 질병 진단비 보험입니다. 실비 보험은 실손 의료비 보험을 줄여서 부르는 말입니다.

병원 치료비를 보장하는 가장 기본적이고 보험 가입자에게 압도적으로 유리한 보험이죠. 요즘은 실비 보험만 단독으로 가입할 수 있어요. 보험료도 그리 비싸지 않아요. 직업, 성별, 병력에 따라 다르지만



Yes, I have. And to add, that I'm thrilled to become part of the spicy brilliant challenge community.

Akhirah is the word Muslims use to refer to life after death. Belief in an afterlife encourages Muslims to take responsibility for their actions. They know God will hold them accountable and reward or punish them accordingly. Akhirah explains humans' existence on Earth, saying that life is a test from Allah.

https://www.bbc.co.uk › zdxdqhv
Life after death - Key beliefs in Islam - GCSE Religious Studies Revision

전날 밤부터 엄청 졸려서 22시부터 잘 준비 완벽 + 다음날 at least up state, 인 7시5분에 일어났다.

10:41 I'm Best Muslim - S3 - Ep 01 - How to Borrow your Friend's Money?
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Comments 267_Add a comment…

May Allah accept your work. And give appropriate compensation.

@ImranKhan-ye2rh2 months ago
I am thankful to Allah that I am a Muslim❤❤❤

@ClxdyRosez5 months ago
Nostalgiaaa may allah bless the team for giving us such amazing content and teaching us in such a fun format ❤

Jazakallahu khaira.. Love from 🇮🇳

Assalamualaikum, it is inspiring that, you are spreading deen, shearing knowledge and virtue.
I'm a student of English literature and recently, thought of some books that could deliver knowledge not only about our day to day life routine, but also about literature of islam, history, philosophy, economy and more.
We know philosophy is all about critical thinking and generating logical ideas. Therefore we could say, Prophet Mohammed (S), "peace be upon him" is the greatest philosopher of man kind, as he thought and searched for truth!
If you could recommend us some useful books, or review some books trough your videos about, above mentioned category, It would be kind enough.
Thank you.

@DhiasyafaChannel4 months ago
Very nice very good. So cool. Amazing. Keren pisan euy.... 👍😁

Tā zài tián kǎoshì de dá'àn.
She's filling in the answers on the exam.

왜 항상 주어를 -'나'가 아니라- '부모'라고 하는 거야? >아빠까지 대변하는 거야.


Jules Coignet was a noted landscape painter who produced a considerable number of views in the mid-19th century. Today we present an extraordinary landscape with a painter, maybe the artist himself.

Painted in Bozen, also known as Bolzano, in the South Tyrol, the painting shows an artist at work, facing a moss-green, craggy mountain that fills most of our view. He has cream-white pants and black shoes, and sits on a three-legged stool. A canvas rests on or just beyond his knees, and he holds one hand up to its blank surface. A tall, parchment-white umbrella is pitched next to him, to our right, to provide some shade. A few swipes of brick red, brown, and pinkish beige next to him could be bags or other materials leaning against a rock. Meadows in the valley are painted with pale sage green, and a cluster of tan buildings sits near the edge of an ice-blue body of water. The hill rises steeply from the valley. It dips a bit to our left and comes more than three-quarters up the composition to our right. It is painted in hazy, muted tones of moss green, mauve purple, and smoke gray. The sky deepens from pale lemon yellow along the horizon through light peach to muted blue along the top edge.

If you're hungry for more landscapes, please check out our 2024 DailyArt Calendars full of amazing landscapes, which are now on presale for -25%!

P.S. If you love mountains, you're also going to love these magnificent landscapes by Ferdinand Hodler! Amazing, aren't they?