
옹 Seth Godin책이었구만 확실히 뭔가 originality를 창안ㅎㅐ야 할 때, 고집 센 예술인의 태도가 도움되더라 Mar23th
암기라 쓰고, 인출이라 읽겠습니다
청춘은 청춘에게 주기 너무나 아깝다 <<실로 그러하다. 그러니 내 나이는 상시 fourty-four(w/ 율동)으로, 핑계대지 아니하고 무지(=정보화 시대에서는 게으름)라는 방어막을 내세울 수 없게끔

Requests for the examination of witnesses and the parties themselves shall be made collectively, insofar as possible.

The liabilty of S GmbH is limited to predictable damage *insofar as*  an essential contractual obligation has been negligently violated.

She helped us insofar as she was able. [= she helped us as muas as she could]

They abide by the rules only inasmuch as[= insofar as] it suits them. 23 March 2024 08:45:40


큰★별쌤 최태성입니다.

이 곳은 별님들이 시험을 준비하고 공부하는 공간입니다.

한능검, 수능 등 시험 준비에 필요한 질문은 언제든지 OK!!

큰별쌤과 연구소 선생님들이 친절하게 답변드릴께요.

하지만 욕설, 비방 등의 내용이 포함된 게시물을 보면 저도 상처를 받고요.

그 글을 보시는 다른 별님들도 속상할 수 있어요~~

우리 서로 서로 응원하면서 열심히 공부합시다.

아자, 아자 화이팅!!

* 욕설, 비방, 광고 등이 포함된 게시물은 통보없이 삭제될 수 있습니다.



'별은 너에게로'

어두운 길을 걷다가

빛나는 별 하나 없다고

절망하지 말아라

가장 빛나는 별은 아직

도달하지 않았다

구름 때문이 아니다

불운 때문이 아니다

지금까지 네가 본 별들은

수억 광년 전에 출발한 빛

길 없는 어둠을 걷다가

별의 지도마저 없다고

주저앉지 말아라

가장 빛나는 별은 지금

간절하게 길을 찾는 너에게로

빛의 속도로 달려오고 있으니




  • comfort zone, 한국어로는 '역량'?
  • I am not a feminist, because I have *Islam* as a core value.


RELEVANT HASHTAGS #TheHobbit #Bass #MistyMountains

"Far Over The Misty Mountains Cold" Credits:
"Far Over The Misty Mountains Cold" was written by J.R.R Tolkien and the melody originally appeared in the film "The Hobbit:An Unexpected Journey". Both are great, but I HIGHLY recommend the book. 📖

Arranged, produced, filmed, performed, and edited by Geoff Castellucci
Audio Mix by Ed Boyer
Makeup and hair by Rick Underwood
Set Design and Lighting by Pattycake Productions
Costuming by Penguin Point Productions
Production Manager Kathy Castellucci
Filmed at Pattycake Productions Studios (Studio B) - https://www.instagram.com/pattycakest...

Thank you to all of my super awesome patrons for joining me on THIS unexpected journey and thank YOU for watching!

"Far Over the Misty Mountains Cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old, we must away 'ere break of day..." Thanks for requesting this amazing song from The Hobbit, I hope you enjoy this somewhat lower version of it. Thanks for watching!


😃 PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/geoffcastellucci
🍎  Listen on https://apple.co/38YdpSb
🎧  Listen on https://spoti.fi/2VpMvOr
🎵  Grab Sheet Music Here: https://bit.ly/3dDcxo5
🎤  Karaoke Version: https://www.geoffcastellucci.com/store

👇You can also find me here if you'd like👇


Each person say one sentence.
Yī rén shuō yī jù.你做對了。

Nǐ zuò duì le. (verb+result grammar: zuo+dui)
You've done it right.

Wǒ qù dàshǐguǎn shēnqǐng qiānzhèng.
I went to the embassy to apply for a visa.


그러니 이제 그만 꿈에 깨시고.
알껍질을 안에서 피가 나고 축 처질 때까지 쪼아 외부로 나오곤.
기꺼이 오므라이스(니혼)/계란찜(한국)이 될 생각으로 직면하곤 264처럼 종로의 인경에 부딪치십시오.
1.하루 일정을 나날히 ㅁkeep on track고 보고하는 비서마냥, 아.버.지 앞에서 눈 피하지 않은 채 겸손당당하게 설 수 있는지.
2. 국어 9월모고, 시간 상관없는 채 원테이크로 문법-문합-비문학 순으로 풀채고오 & 수능 경향 분석. 승리t방식대로

저도 말할 때 맛과 형태를 떠올리며
흥겹고, 청자에게는 직관적이고 공감을 할 만한 주제일 테고And I'm not going to go into the details of that story, but I'll give you the gist.

One of the ways I think about the stories in the Quran is I try to place myself in that situation.

gated communities like DHAS or whatever.

You're on the highway going this way. There's a guy on a bicycle going this way. There's a guy on a rickshaw going that way.

"Yaar what the hell yaar." I love it. I love it. It tastes better than the food.

And the one that have 99 can bully the one that has one. And that happens in Pakistan. That happens in America.

That happens in Australia. That happens in Canada. That happens in the United Kingdom. It happens in Germany.

He says, Dawud AS says, I'm only quoting a part of it that's relevant for our discussion: {وَإِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِنَ الْخُلَطَاءِ لَيَبْغِي بَعْضُهُمْ عَلَىٰ بَعْضٍ} [38:24]

He deals with them all the time. He sees many cases. He's a judge.

"Some of the most insightful conversations I've had in my life are with military generals and judges and lawyers."

He goes "You can't learn that in a 30 minutes conversation." I said "There's always a start. Let's begin. Give me something."

Like, I just tell him, "So what have you learned 50 years sitting on the bench?"
And that is actually part of the wisdom he is using to understand cases, to understand human behavior.

That's the spiritual meaning of wisdom that's there too in the Quran.

But in this passage, there's another dimension of wisdom which we almost think is secular.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwVgfVwOsGwYes, I have. And to add, that I'm thrilled to become part of the spicy brilliant challenge community.Akhirah is the word Muslims use to refer to life after death. Belief in an afterlife encourages Muslims to take responsibility for their actions. They know God will hold them accountable and reward or punish them accordingly.

Akhirah explains humans' existence on Earth, saying that life is a test from Allah.
https://www.bbc.co.uk › zdxdqhv
Life after death - Key beliefs in Islam - GCSE Religious Studies Revision