The story of the teenager who committed suicide due to internet violence
The suicide of the teenager Liu Xuezhou has made people feel what it means to be devastated. In the face of his tragic life experience, no one can say "he was too fragile".
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因yīn網wǎng暴bào自殺zì shā的de少年shào nián的de故事gù shì
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少年shào nián劉liú學xué州zhōu的de自殺zì shā讓ràng人們rén men感受gǎn shòu到了dào liǎo什麼shén me叫jiào萬念俱灰wàn niàn jù huī。而ér在zài他tā悲慘bēi cǎn的de人生rén shēng經歷jīng lì面前miàn qián,沒有méi yǒu人rén可以kě yǐ説出shuō chū“他tā太tài脆弱cuì ruò了le”這種zhè zhǒng評價píng jià。
劉liú學xué州zhōu出生chū shēng兩liǎng個gè月yuè後hòu就jiù被bèi親生qīn shēng父母fù mǔ賣掉mài diào了le。他tā小的xiǎo de時候shí hou並不bìng bù知道zhī dào自己zì jǐ不是bú shì養父yǎng fù母親mǔ qīn生shēng的de。因此yīn cǐ,在zài養父yǎng fù母mǔ因yīn工廠gōng chǎng爆炸bào zhà去世qù shì前qián,他tā的de生活shēng huó是shì挺tǐng快樂kuài lè的de。不過bù guò,快樂kuài lè的de時間shí jiān是shì短暫duǎn zàn的de。爆炸bào zhà發生fā shēng後hòu,他tā只能zhǐ néng和hé養母yǎng mǔ的de弟弟dì di一家yī jiā一起yì qǐ生活shēng huó。雖然suī rán養母yǎng mǔ的de弟弟dì di一家yī jiā並非bìng fēi對duì他tā不好bù hǎo,但dàn他tā還是hái shi會huì有yǒu寄人籬下jì rén lí xià的de感覺gǎn jué。為此wèi cǐ,他tā一直yì zhí學習xué xí很hěn努力nǔ lì,希望xī wàng通過tōng guò學習xué xí改變gǎi biàn命運mìng yùn。
但dàn厄運è yùn總是zǒng shì能néng找zhǎo上shàng他tā。初中chū zhōng的de時候shí hou,他tā被bèi一yì位wèi老師lǎo shī猥褻wěi xiè了le。而ér為了wèi le不bù給gěi家人jiā rén添麻煩tiān má fan,他tā沒有méi yǒu告訴gào sù家人jiā rén這zhè件jiàn事shì。隨後suí hòu,他tā知道了zhī dào le自己zì jǐ不是bú shì養父yǎng fù母mǔ的de親生qīn shēng兒子ér zi的de事實shì shí。幸運xìng yùn的de是shì,此時cǐ shí他tā還hái不知bù zhī道dào自己zì jǐ是shì被bèi親生qīn shēng父母fù mǔ拋棄pāo qì的de,因此yīn cǐ在zài找zhǎo親生qīn shēng父母fù mǔ的de這zhè段duàn時間shí jiān裏lǐ,他tā對生duì shēng活huó充滿chōng mǎn希望xī wàng。
只是zhǐ shì雖然suī rán他tā最終zuì zhōng找到zhǎo dào了le父母fù mǔ,但dàn他tā的de父母fù mǔ並不bìng bù想xiǎng讓ràng他tā出現chū xiàn在zài自己zì jǐ現在xiàn zài的de生活shēng huó裏lǐ。這zhè讓ràng劉liú學xué州zhōu感到gǎn dào非常fēi cháng痛苦tòng kǔ。畢竟bì jìng他tā也yě想xiǎng感受gǎn shòu父母fù mǔ的de關愛guān ài。但dàn劉liú學xué州zhōu悲慘bēi cǎn的de故事gù shì到此dào cǐ還hái沒有méi yǒu結束jié shù。為了wèi le將jiāng劉liú學xué州zhōu逼bī走zǒu,劉liú學xué州zhōu的de媽媽mā mā謊稱huǎng chēng劉liú學xué州zhōu讓ràng她tā給gěi自己zì jǐ買mǎi一套yī tào房子fáng zi。對duì此cǐ,劉liú學xué州zhōu表示biǎo shì自己zì jǐ的de需求xū qiú是shì有yǒu一yì個gè家jiā,而ér不是bú shì讓ràng媽媽mā mā買mǎi一套yī tào房子fáng zi。但dàn隨着suí zhe一些yī xiē網紅wǎng hóng説shuì劉liú學xué州zhōu尋xún親qīn就是jiù shì為了wèi le要yāo房子fáng zi,很hěn多duō網友wǎng yǒu都dōu開始kāi shǐ在zài劉liú學xué州zhōu的de視頻shì pín下xià寫下xiě xià負面fù miàn評論píng lùn。年nián僅jǐn17歲suì的de劉liú學xué州zhōu當時dāng shí無法wú fǎ忽略hū lüè這些zhè xiē評論píng lùn。他tā的de精神jīng shén逐漸zhú jiàn崩潰bēng kuì。而ér在zài和hé網友wǎng yǒu吵chǎo了le一yì段duàn時間shí jiān後hòu,劉liú學xué州zhōu選擇xuǎn zé了le自殺zì shā。他tā將jiāng自己zì jǐ遺產yí chǎn的de一半yí bàn留給liú gěi了le養母yǎng mǔ的de母親mǔ qīn,將jiāng另一半lìng yí bàn用來yòng lái給gěi山區shān qū的de孩子hái zi買mǎi衣服yī fu了le。
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The suicide of the teenager Liu Xuezhou made people feel what it means to be discouraged. And in the face of his tragic life experience, no one can say the evaluation that "he is too fragile".
Liu Xuezhou was sold by his biological parents two months after he was born. When he was younger, he didn't know that he was not born to his adoptive parents. Therefore, before his adoptive parents died in the factory explosion, his life was quite happy. The happy time is short-lived, though. After the explosion, he had to live with his adoptive mother's younger brother's family. Although his adoptive mother's younger brother's family is not bad to him, he still feels like he is under the fence. For this reason, he has been studying very hard, hoping to change his fate through learning.
But bad luck always finds him. When he was in junior high school, he was molested by a teacher. And in order not to cause trouble to his family, he did not tell his family about it. Subsequently, he learned the fact that he was not the biological son of his adoptive parents. Fortunately, at this time he did not know that he was abandoned by his biological parents, so during the time he was looking for his biological parents, he was full of hope for life.
It's just that although he eventually found his parents, his parents didn't want him to appear in his current life. This made Liu Xuezhou feel very painful. After all, he also wants to feel the love of his parents. But Liu Xuezhou's tragic story is not over here. In order to force Liu Xuezhou away, Liu Xuezhou's mother lied that Liu Xuezhou asked her to buy a house for herself. In this regard, Liu Xuezhou said that his need is to have a home, not to ask his mother to buy a house. But as some Internet celebrities said that Liu Xuezhou was looking for relatives just to ask for a house, many netizens began to write negative comments under Liu Xuezhou's video. At just 17 years old, Liu Xuezhou couldn't ignore the comments at the time. His spirit gradually collapsed. After arguing with netizens for a while, Liu Xuezhou chose to commit suicide. He left half of his estate to his adoptive mother's mother, and used the other half to buy clothes for children in the mountains.
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