

2023. 5. 11. 05:59

전날 티스토리 작성완료 대신 도파민이 퐁퐁 피어오르는 과거 행동으로 돌아갔다. 반성하는 마음과 함께, 다음 날 아침(am5:55)에서야 글을 마무리짓는다.



2023. 5. 9. 22:08

¹고해성사는 gridnote에다가 하고, 블로그 공간에서는 일목요연한 분석 및 타개 방안을 정리한다. (와이파이 끊기는 곳으로 이동하면 완료 화면과의 연결이 끊기는구나,,)



2023. 5. 8. 14:52

(저장하다가 화면이 멈춰서 캡처본으로 대체)


5월8일 (1-1/67)

2023. 5. 8. 10:57

10시50분을 지나치는데 햇빛이 너무도 강렬하게 아스팔트에 반사되어 도수 없는 보호안경으로 들어온다.

도피민 디톡스를 6월1일 모평까지 운지하려는 생각이다. 그 말은 내가 온라인 발걸음을 끊으면 아무런 영향도 끼치지 않을 주요 사이트 2-3곳에 대한 툴입을 일절 끊는 건이다. 마치 초대권이 없어 문 밖에서만 서성이는 상황처럼.

일주일 거의 누워만 있으면서 파괴된 루틴으로부터 알게 된 점은, 폐활량이 일순위로 떨어진다는 거였다. 별것도 아닌 활동 후에 헉헉대는 모습을 보고 있자니 심기가 절로 뒤틀렸다. 자업자득이면서 객관적으로 한심한 내 모습에.


I feel as I have to be good at English(mostly writing and speaking) because there isn't any other option that I can shine upon. However, due to watching a variety of videos and audios, I realized that my accent is quite mixed up and hard to understand, in other words, delivery sucks.

 I do want a British accent, being accurate in your Ts, because a) not many Koreans have this kind of accent and b) as said before, more accurate in some way. 

I want to speak as fast and accurate and at the same time, using a lot of phrases like Holly, and is wondering if typing it down would help me acquire it. (Okay Grammarly is on its way)


 I am totally not sure, what to write online or publicly or to store in my personal space Notion. But since I have seen a writing tip, / one of the tips to good writing, is to conclude every paragraph, I am struggling not to give up and end this unceremonious piece of writing. 

 The thing I'm trying to remember, which is the reason I just came into this blog, is that you have to mindfully grow, which doesn't mean thoughtlessly mimicking and just watching others doing their job. And a) it is frustrating if someone doesn't get your point, insisting and getting off patience is an insult to another individual which needs b) acknowledging that others matter and is better and finally c) you can reach further to anyone so don't let go of your true being to fit the situation. 

 Finally, it would be nice if you have and memorise these daunting English deep talks, and set a goal of being the person who is setting up the talk. In other words, grow and show yourself by your own qualities competence and views, which does matter to anyone else. 


Bye from now, and see you very soon. 

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